The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

What can you find in an English garden

August 17, 2022 Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 4 Episode 41

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Dee and Carol focus on English gardens this week as Dee talks about her recent trip to the Cotswolds.

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Atlas nitrile gloves, like Dee wears.
Disposable gloves Carol uses for weeding.

Iris histriodes 'Katharine Hodgkins' at Old House Gardens
Allium schubertii at Brent & Becky's Bulbs
Crocus tommasinianus 'Hummingbird' at John Scheeper's Bulbs

Our zinnias vs. dahlias podcast episode from last year . 

Carol's bloom day post for August
Dee's bloom day post for August

Smart Pots

On the Bookshelf:  Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland by Lisa Schneidau (Amazon Link).  (Carol listened to the audio book.)

Also, Woodland Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland by Lisa Schneidau (Feb 1, 2021) (Amazon Link) and  River Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland by Lisa Schneidau (Amazon Link) (Coming out October 1)

Lisa Schneidau is a British author and storyteller, visit her website.

 Dirt:  Tower of London Wildflower Superbloom for the Queen’s Platinum jubilee, plus The Queen's Green Canopy project.

Dame Miriam Louise Rothschild was the entomologist we couldn't remember! 

 Peacock Neon Purple Phlox paniculata

Sunflower Houses by Sharon Lovejoy (out of print!)

Affiliate link to Botanical Interest Seeds. (If you buy something from them after using this link, we earn a small commission at no cost to

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