The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt
Are you ready to be converted to living a gardening life? Each week, join Carol Michel and Dee Nash, both passionate gardeners, authors, and long-time bloggers, as they chat over the garden fence about flowers, veggies, and all the best dirt on gardening. Carol and Dee have the audacity to call themselves gardenangelists, evangelists for gardening, and want everyone to dig in the dirt, sow a few seeds, and enjoy the simple pleasures and even a few pitfalls of a gardening life. If you are ready to live a gardening life or already live one this is one podcast you don’t want to miss.
The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt
Beebalm, Beans, and a Bunch of Wild Garden Banter
Dee and Carol talk about wisteria, bee balm, beans, and much more.
For more information and links, visit our free Substack newsletter!
American wisteria
Wild Bergamot, Witchita Mountains Form from High Country Gardens
UK National Collection of Beebalm
Bean seeds from Seeds of Italy
Carol's Forktress Blog Post
On the Bookshelf
The Gardener's Guide to Prarie Plants, by Neil Diboll & Hilary Cox (Amazon)
Let Your Garden Grow Wild Ted Talk by Rebecca McMackin
Theme Gardens by Barbara Damrosch (Amazon Link)
Rabbit Holes
Farmer's Defense sleeves
Dee's blog post on gardening with Alpha-Gal Syndrome
The Field House: A Writer's Life Lost and Found on an Island in Maine by Robin Clifford Wood (Amazon)
Our Affiliates (Linking to them to make a purchase earns us a small commission):
Botanical Interests
Farmers Defense
Territorial Seeds
True Leaf Market
Eden Bros
Nature Hills Nursery
Book and Amazon links are also affiliate links.
Email us anytime at TheGardenangelists@gmail.com
For more info on Carol visit her website. Visit her blog May Dreams Gardens.
For more info on Dee, visit her website. Visit her blog Red Dirt Ramblings.
On Instagram: Carol: Indygardener, Dee: RedDirtRamblings, Our podcast: TheGardenangelists.
On Facebook: The Gardenangelists' Garden Club.
On YouTube.