The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Fall is for... Editing the Garden

Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 6 Episode 42

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As we enter another season in the garden, we talked about planting trees, how our vegetable gardens did, giant hogweed, some books we love, and a surprising rabbit hole.

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Tree Installation: Tips for Trouble-Free Tree Planting | Family Handyman
Info about washing off tree roots     

Purple Magic Broccoli
Red Impact Peppers
Dragonfly Peppers

On the Bookshelf:
The Layered Garden by David L. Culp (Amazon Link

A Year at Brandywine Cottage, by David L. Culp. (Amazon Link)

Giant Hogweed

Rabbit Holes:
Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health, by Casey Means, MD with Calley Means (Amazon Link)

Our Affiliates (Linking to them to make a purchase earns us a small commission):
Botanical Interests
Farmers Defense
Territorial Seeds
True Leaf Market
Eden Bros
Nature Hills Nursery 

Book and Amazon links are also affiliate links.
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For more info on Carol  visit her website.  Visit her blog May Dreams Gardens.
For more info on Dee, visit her website.  Visit her blog Red Dirt Ramblings.

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