The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt
Are you ready to be converted to living a gardening life? Each week, join Carol Michel and Dee Nash, both passionate gardeners, authors, and long-time bloggers, as they chat over the garden fence about flowers, veggies, and all the best dirt on gardening. Carol and Dee have the audacity to call themselves gardenangelists, evangelists for gardening, and want everyone to dig in the dirt, sow a few seeds, and enjoy the simple pleasures and even a few pitfalls of a gardening life. If you are ready to live a gardening life or already live one this is one podcast you don’t want to miss.
The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt
Wipe the February Off Your Face: Microclimates and Rhubarb
Carol and Dee talk about growing plants in microclimates, growing rhubarb, and more on this week's episode.
Some helpful links:
Carol's Gardening Motto Generator
Dee's post about her greenhouse
More info on growing rhubarb according to Purdue University.
Rhubarb plant from Stark Bros.
On the Bookshelf: Fearless Gardening: Be Bold, Break the Rules and Grow What You Love by Loree Bohl, The Danger Garden.
Meijer Garden Lectures starting March 2, 2021.
Email us at TheGardenangelists@gmail.com
For more info on Carol and her books, visit her website. Visit her blog May Dreams Gardens.
For more info on Dee and her book, visit her website. Visit her blog Red Dirt Ramblings.
Affiliate links to purchase any of our books:
The 20-30 Something Garden Guide: A No-Fuss, Down and Dirty, Gardening 101 for Anyone Who Wants to Grow Stuff, by Dee Nash
Potted and Pruned: Living a Gardening Life, by Carol J. Michel
Homegrown and Handpicked: A Year in a Gardening Life, by Carol J. Michel
Seeded and Sodded: Thoughts from a Gardening Life, by Carol J. Michel
Creatures and Critters: Who’s in Your Garden, by Carol J. Michel
The Christmas Cottontail: A Story for Gardeners of All Ages, by Carol J. Michel
On Instagram: Carol: Indygardener, Dee: RedDirtRamblings, Our podcast: TheGardenangelists.
On Facebook: The Gardenangelists' Garden Club.
On YouTube.